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This is a page honoring the people, places and things that have touched my life and continue to touch my life.
This is a healing page. It is more meant for me and my reference than for anyone else--so just indulge me.
First, I am grateful for all the friends I have in the present and those from the past. All of my friends have given a gift of knowledge about myself through their eyes that is priceless. I am grateful for my best and life time friend, my husband Mark. Together we play, laugh, yell, and grow together.
Then there is this fairy godmother of a friend (who I won't name) who
has pulled me through lots of my experiences and still was my friend. She
is a gem and a rarity. In this picture you see me dressed as Ms. Gratitude
1991. Now, this
friend has always been here in town to assist me.
But there has been another friend that had to move away for a job that
has also gone through my journey with me. She has meant alot to me. The
gratitude I feel toward this friend can not be measured.
In 1990, another grand person came into my path. She was my sponsor
and my good friend. She's also in another state but she is always in my
heart. Mama Walton Betty.